Today’s Beat the Geek Trivia

  • Beat the Geek Trivia with Abby at The Rustic Cork - Mill Creek
    Mar. 11, 2025, 6:30 PM

    Three on TV
    Pixar Films
    Pictures - Celeb Shots - Red Heads
    Music - Orchestral Covers
    and Potpourri
    BONUS - Where was Snooki born? - 3 pts.

  • Beat the Geek Trivia with Clint at Daman's Bar
    Mar. 11, 2025, 7:00 PM

    For Pete's Sake
    Harry Potter
    Pictures - Famous Horses
    Music - Songs of 1969
    and Anagrams
    BONUS - Did George R.R. Martin ever work with J.R.R. Tolkien? - 3 pts.

  • Beat the Geek Trivia with Ben at Legion Sports Bar
    Mar. 11, 2025, 7:00 PM

    College Sports Team Names
    Green Stuff
    Pictures - Two-State Outlines
    Music - Reggae Cover Songs
    and Potpourri
    BONUS - How many US Flags are currently on the moon? - 3 pts.

  • Beat the Geek Trivia with Alex at Ounces Taproom
    Mar. 11, 2025, 7:00 PM

    Professional Baseball
    Harry Potter
    Pictures - Celeb Shots - Celebrity Breakups
    Music - Mashups
    and Before and After
    BONUS - Who was the wife of literary character Jurgis Rudkus? - 3 pts.

  • Beat the Geek Trivia with Jax at Who's on First
    Mar. 11, 2025, 7:00 PM

    Round Stuff
    Actors and Musicians in Politics
    Pictures - Celeb Shots - Famous Asians
    Music - Animal Songs
    and Am I Bullshitting?
    BONUS - What kind of creature is Trogdor the Burninator? - 3 pts.

  • Beat the Geek Trivia with Kaitlin at Juanita Cantina
    Mar. 11, 2025, 7:30 PM

    Yellow Stuff
    Breakfast Cereals
    Pictures - Pro Sports Logos
    Music - Bluegrass Covers
    and Anagrams
    BONUS - Who are the two founders of Subway Restaurants? - 3 pts.

  • Beat the Geek Trivia with Krystie at Woodin Creek Kitchen & Tap
    Mar. 11, 2025, 8:00 PM

    TV Show Spin-Offs
    Mythological Human Hybrids
    Pictures - Lines
    Music - Songs of 1974
    and Anagrams
    BONUS - How many gallons is a buttload? - 3 pts.

  • Beat the Geek Trivia with Mike at Redmond's Bar and Grill
    Mar. 11, 2025, 8:30 PM

    Three on TV - Sitcoms
    Famous Sidekicks
    Pictures - Movie Aliens
    Music - 90s Alternative
    and Before And After
    BONUS - Who is the Greek goddess of victory? - 3 pts.

Upcoming Beat the Geek Trivia

  • Beat the Geek Trivia with Abby at The Rustic Cork - Mill Creek
    Mar. 11, 2025, 6:30 PM

    Three on TV
    Pixar Films
    Pictures - Celeb Shots - Red Heads
    Music - Orchestral Covers
    and Potpourri
    BONUS - Where was Snooki born? - 3 pts.

  • Beat the Geek Trivia with Clint at Daman's Bar
    Mar. 11, 2025, 7:00 PM

    For Pete's Sake
    Harry Potter
    Pictures - Famous Horses
    Music - Songs of 1969
    and Anagrams
    BONUS - Did George R.R. Martin ever work with J.R.R. Tolkien? - 3 pts.

  • Beat the Geek Trivia with Ben at Legion Sports Bar
    Mar. 11, 2025, 7:00 PM

    College Sports Team Names
    Green Stuff
    Pictures - Two-State Outlines
    Music - Reggae Cover Songs
    and Potpourri
    BONUS - How many US Flags are currently on the moon? - 3 pts.

  • Beat the Geek Trivia with Alex at Ounces Taproom
    Mar. 11, 2025, 7:00 PM

    Professional Baseball
    Harry Potter
    Pictures - Celeb Shots - Celebrity Breakups
    Music - Mashups
    and Before and After
    BONUS - Who was the wife of literary character Jurgis Rudkus? - 3 pts.

  • Beat the Geek Trivia with Jax at Who's on First
    Mar. 11, 2025, 7:00 PM

    Round Stuff
    Actors and Musicians in Politics
    Pictures - Celeb Shots - Famous Asians
    Music - Animal Songs
    and Am I Bullshitting?
    BONUS - What kind of creature is Trogdor the Burninator? - 3 pts.

  • Beat the Geek Trivia with Kaitlin at Juanita Cantina
    Mar. 11, 2025, 7:30 PM

    Yellow Stuff
    Breakfast Cereals
    Pictures - Pro Sports Logos
    Music - Bluegrass Covers
    and Anagrams
    BONUS - Who are the two founders of Subway Restaurants? - 3 pts.

  • Beat the Geek Trivia with Krystie at Woodin Creek Kitchen & Tap
    Mar. 11, 2025, 8:00 PM

    TV Show Spin-Offs
    Mythological Human Hybrids
    Pictures - Lines
    Music - Songs of 1974
    and Anagrams
    BONUS - How many gallons is a buttload? - 3 pts.

  • Beat the Geek Trivia with Mike at Redmond's Bar and Grill
    Mar. 11, 2025, 8:30 PM

    Three on TV - Sitcoms
    Famous Sidekicks
    Pictures - Movie Aliens
    Music - 90s Alternative
    and Before And After
    BONUS - Who is the Greek goddess of victory? - 3 pts.

  • Beat the Geek Trivia with Virginia at Sam's Tavern - Bellevue
    Mar. 12, 2025, 7:00 PM

    College Sports Team Names
    Tourist Destinations
    Pictures - Robots
    Music - Number Songs
    and Rhyme Time
    BONUS - Use a type of cheese in your team name - 3 pts.

  • Beat the Geek Trivia with Ben at Tony's Sports Bar
    Mar. 12, 2025, 7:00 PM

    Irish Trivia
    7th Grade Biology
    Pictures - Logos
    Music - Missing Lyrics
    and 90s Moviepalooza
    BONUS - What year did Nestle purchase Hot Pockets? - 3 pts.

  • Beat the Geek Trivia with Clint at Rooney's Food & Spirits
    Mar. 12, 2025, 7:00 PM

    Sports Athlete Nicknames
    Geography - Africa
    Pictures - Celeb Shots - Celeb Boobies (no nudity)
    Music - Mashups
    and Am I Bullshitting?
    BONUS - Who is the most famous son of Calaway and Lucinda Daniel? - 3 pts.

  • Beat the Geek Trivia with Kelsey at The Point Bar and Grill
    Mar. 12, 2025, 7:00 PM

    Fast Food Ad Slogans
    Pictures - Watercolor Cinema
    Music - TV Tunes
    and Before and After - Star Wars
    BONUS - Tattoos! (real or fake) 1 pt. each, max 3 pts.

  • Beat the Geek Trivia with Krystie at Thrasher's Corner Pub
    Mar. 12, 2025, 8:00 PM

    US City Nicknames
    Fairy Tales
    Pictures - Famous Captains
    Music - Mashups
    and Am I Bullshitting?
    BONUS - What was the date of the demolition implosion of the Stardust Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas? - 3 pts.

  • Beat the Geek Trivia with Mark at The Lucky 7
    Mar. 12, 2025, 8:00 PM

    White Stuff
    The Moon
    Pictures - Rebuses
    Music - 80s Hair Metal
    and Rhyme Time
    BONUS - What was the name of the play Abraham Lincoln was attending when he was assassinated? - 3 pts.

  • Beat the Geek Trivia with Mark at The Rustic Cork - Lake Stevens
    Mar. 13, 2025, 6:30 PM

    Butt Stuff
    In 1986...
    Pictures - Sports and Fitness Brand Logos
    Music - 2000s Women Musicians
    and TV Characters Catchphrases
    BONUS - Wear mismatched socks - 3 pts.

  • Beat the Geek Trivia with Zazzo at Beaumont Cellars Winery
    Mar. 13, 2025, 7:00 PM

    Grey Stuff
    Harry Potter
    Pictures - Rebuses
    Music - Disney Covers
    and Rhyme Time
    BONUS - What is Geordi LaForge's most recent rank? - 3 pts.

  • Beat the Geek Trivia with Dan at Northwest Spirits
    Mar. 13, 2025, 7:00 PM

    'C' Foods
    Disney Princesses
    Pictures - Tech Logos
    Music - Which Beatle
    and Family Matters
    BONUS - Who was the losing general at the Battle of Cane Hill? - 3 pts.

  • Beat the Geek Trivia with Ben at The Lime
    Mar. 13, 2025, 7:00 PM

    In 1992...
    Disney Deaths
    Pictures - Irish-Born Celebs
    Music - Duets
    and Portmanteaus
    BONUS - What does Nerdwax prevent? - 3 pts.

  • Beat the Geek Trivia with Mark at WIRED Online
    Mar. 14, 2025, 7:00 PM

    U.S. Presidents
    Pictures - Saturday Morning Cartoon Cinema
    Music - Riffs and Solos
    and Homophones

    Not signed up to play? Go sign up HERE!


Read what other people say about Beat the Geek Trivia

" I love the trivia here!" - Nick M.

"They have trivia Tuesday nights called "Beat The Geek"... ...the guy who does the quiz is really cool and the questions are good." Stef. M

"A lot of fun!" - Kristine H.

"Trivia night is a blast." - Brenda A.

"Beat the Geek Trivia night is always fun." - Alison S.

"We've gone here mostly for trivia, which is always crowded..." - Jennifer A.

"I love the trivia nights!" - Steph C.

"I come "here" for two reasons. 1. Beat the Geek Trivia Night 2. The Food ...Mark is the owner/host of Beat the Geek Trivia. If there was an award for best trivia night host/announcer in the category of best voice, he would take the cake." - Teaira L.

"The trivia is done professionally and is definitely a challenge... They had really cool picture round, very creative. And lastly the music round was very entertaining..." - Stefanie F.

"Trivia night is loads of fun..." - Allison S.

"I'm here every week with boyfriend & roommate for Beat the Geek trivia nights." - Ginger N. (Hi Ginger!)

"We came here specifically for the BEAT the GEEK TRIVIA, This guy has a following and tours among different bars which I know because we just went to a trivia he was at the night before. The topics I personally was so excited for there fore I drove out further than my hometown for trivia... Super fun trivia!" - Stefanie F.

"...Mark Ricker (Beat the Geek) as always, provided a fun Trivia experience for all!" - Paige N.

"We come every week for trivia. Great vibe and lots of fun." - Allison D.

"My friends and I come for trivia on Wednesday... This place is always packed when we go. - Erin H.

"...We're looking forward to returning for the trivia nights on Wednesday's..." - Sara M.

"...and the trivia game was the best, even tho we lost! We will definitely be back." - Carol N.

"We came here for the trivia night. Trivia was super fun." - Jenny T.

Private Parties, Holiday Parties, and Custom Events

Are you interested in a private trivia party or event for your group or organization? Beat the Geek Trivia does:

  • Live, on-site trivia shows in almost any venue
  • Virtual, online trivia shows using our custom-built online platform
  • Corporate parties and team-building events
  • Holiday parties
  • Birthday parties

and more!

Click here for more information.

“I want Beat the Geek Trivia at MY bar!”

Beat the Geek Trivia is a great way to entertain your customers and keep them coming back week after week. If you’d like to learn more about regular Beat the Geek Trivia shows at your bar or restaurant, Contact Mark for details.

The Game

Beat the Geek Trivia is a live, interactive pub trivia game. You can play by yourself or as a team. Trust us, it’s more fun with friends. If you don’t have any friends, you can probably find some on Amazon.

There are five rounds of trivia – two standard Q&A rounds, a self-paced visual round, a music round, and a final round. Your host will read each question out loud; you write your answer in your answer booklet.

Team Sizes
The maximum team size is eight players (limits may vary per venue). If you have more than the maximum number of players, you should split into smaller teams. You can play with more than the maximum number of players, but your team will be ineligible for a prize.

If you and your team score more points than all the other teams, that’s called “winning”. YAY YOU! Winners get a prize – Prizes vary per venue. Regardless, you should call your mom right away and let her know that she raised a winner!

The Rules

1. "No Googlewebbing on your iBerry"
Don't use your cell phone or other electronic devices to look up answers while playing Beat the Geek Trivia. I can't stop you from updating your status or texting your friend tell them how much fun you're having, just don't use your phone to get the answers. If you do, you risk feeling very badly about yourself.

2. “Don’t yell out the answers!”
I already know the answers, I don't need to hear them from you. Confer quietly with your teammates and write the answer down in your answer book. Remember, other teams are sitting close by so keep your discussions between yourself and your teammates.

3. “I am the judge, jury, and executioner…”
I have the final say whether an answer is correct or incorrect. If an answer is questionable or “almost right”, please let me make the call. If you have a dispute about a decision please discuss it with me at the appropriate time (like during a break or at the end of the game).

And just so you know…

  • Spelling typically doesn't count.
  • I usually need first and last names for famous celebrities.
  • Hosts can often be bribed with food, drinks, or boobs.

The FAQs

Q. Where do you get your questions?
A. Beat the Geek Trivia researches and writes all our own questions. Mark writes almost all the trivia content, and several Beat the Geek Trivia hosts have also contributed to our collection of trivia questions.

Q. Can I suggest a category for your trivia game?
A. Sure, if it’s a category suitable for a broad audience. If you have an idea, let us know.

Q. Why dont you put the questions on a screen so we can read them?
A. Beat the Geet Trivia is proud to be "non-screen time". Instead, look at your beautiful friends and trivia teammates, or that sexy trivia host with the amazing vocal presentation skills.

Q. Do you host for private parties and events?
A. YES! Beat the Geek Trivia does several private parties and custom events all year long. Contact me and we can talk about your event.

Q. The songs you pick for the music round are... (pick one)

  • Too old
  • Too new
  • Too obscure
  • Not MY favorite kind of music
  • All of the above
A. Regular Beat the Geek Trivia players range in age from 25 to 75. We try to include music from many different styles, genres, and eras, but we have to focus on music that is recognizable for the widest audience possible. Most of all, we just want you to enjoy the music.

Q. What are you drinking?
A. Usually a bit too much. Beat the Geek Trivia hosts like tequila, vodka, an ice cold Jack & Ginger, or a Marktini.

Q. What is a Marktini?
A. This is a Marktini. The more Marktinis you drink, the better they are!

Q. Are you looking for new places to do Beat the Geek Trivia?
A. Sure, contact me.

Q. Are you looking for more trivia hosts?
A. I've always got my eyes open for enthusiastic, interesting, and engaging people. Ask me for an audition. If you're good, we'll move forward. If you suck, I'll let you know. Email me.

Beat the Geek Trivia's background music playlist is now available on Spotify®.

Team Name Hall of Fame

Here's a list of some of the best team names of the last few years..:
  • "Alexa, Play Air Supply"
  • "In Dog Beers, I've had One!"
  • "Fat kids are harder to kidnap"
  • "Multiple Scoregasms"
  • "Donner, Party of 5"
  • "One skin, two skin, three skin..."
  • "What would Jesus do for a Klondike bar?"
  • "I slept with Hermione Granger and caught Hogwarts"
  • "Governor Quiz Quistie"
  • "Tony Danza's Tapdancing Extravaganza"
  • "Our Drinking Team has a Trivia Problem"

  • And, of course, the Hall of Shame...
  • "Team Ramrod"
  • "My couch pulls out but I don't"
  • "Dunder-Mifflin A-Team"
  • "Better Late Than Pregnant"
  • "Winners"
  • Recycled Paper

    Beat the Geek Trivia uses recycled paper made from post-consumer waste for all regular trivia show answer booklets, hand-outs, and internal use. This accounts to 94% of all paper used by Beat the Geek Trivia. Please join us by not only reducing, re-using, and recycling as much as possible, but purchasing products made from recycled materials.

    The Hosts

    Mark Ricker
    Owner, Host, Jedi Master

    I started Beat the Geek Trivia in 2009 when I was recently divorced, unemployed, and a little drunk. I had always had a head full of trivial knowledge, but just knowing things like Albert Einstein’s middle name wasn’t getting me very far in life. So I put that useless knowledge to use and started a pub trivia show. Since then, Beat the Geek Trivia has grown beyond my expectations and is now a full time job for me.

    Before Beat the Geek, I worked in IT, sales and business development, and mortgage lending. I shaved my head in 2001 and never looked back. I don’t have any kids or pets, but I’ve kept a houseplant alive for over 10 years (I think I might be ready for a goldfish now). I was born in New York, but I’m a Chargers fan. In my spare time, I invent new ways to insult Ariana Grande and trash the movie Armageddon. My go-to drink is the legendary Marktini.

    Mike Faris
    Host, Manager, protocol droid fluent in over 6 million forms of communication

    I gave the worst performance of my life as an 18-year-old at summer camp while emceeing a talent show. After that night I may have never picked up a microphone again except that later that year my college dorm wanted me to host the school-wide lip-syncing contest. Not bad, but not all that good either. These days I’m pretty comfortable behind the microphone whether it’s as the public address announcer for high school basketball games, the master of ceremonies for more wedding receptions than I recall, or hosting trivia for years now.

    Highlights in my life up to this point are riding the bike from the ET movie at Universal Studios, winning the grand prize in a radio station giveaway for a Felix Hernandez signed baseball and discovering I don’t like Waldorf salad. My geek credentials include that I’ve willingly been to a Star Trek convention, I read tech blogs every day, and that my mother-in-law says that I’m “good with the computers”. Next time you’re at trivia, fill me in on some of your geek cred.

    David Zazzo
    Host, Marksman Stormtrooper

    Hi there, I’m David – but most people call me Zazzo.

    My best friend and I stumbled across Beat the Geek Trivia in 2016 at one of our guys’ nights and have loved it ever since. After playing for several months, I thought to myself, “it would be really fun to be a trivia host.” I talked to Mark, gave it a shot and auditioned, and here we are!

    By day, I work at a local software company doing cloud-y things. By night, though, I indulge my strong passion for technical arts and production – lighting design, audio engineering, video engineering, etc. When I’m not geeking out on that stuff, you can find me at Sounders FC home games cheering on the boys in Rave Green.

    I’m excited to be your Beat the Geek Trivia host!

    Clint Cheves
    Host, C-3P0’s Psychotherapist


    I’m Clint and I am one of those stupid millennials. I have a fear of change. I still live 15 minutes from where I was born, and I don’t plan on leaving anytime soon. Pop culture, movies, music, technology, ancient history, and general nerdom have always been a big part of my life; just ask the people that cheated off me in high school.

    While the rest of my friends were scoring touchdowns, I spent my nights reading an episode-by-episode synopsis of Scrubs. It took until the seventh grade for me to get out of my pre-pubescent cocoon and, despite my Coke machine-like physique, I started playing sports. I never forgot my first love of knowing things that probably won’t matter, though, but it now included athletics.

    I love sports, technology, religion, the Lakers, and [censored]. My other loves are Jameson, a good light beer, and [censored]. I’m super stoked to be doing trivia for you guys. Let’s get drinks and talk pop culture!

    Jax Alspaugh
    Host, Palpatine’s Cosmetician

    I’ve worked in a variety of industries and positions – marketing, customer correspondent for a prostate supplement company, barista, birthday party hostess at a bowling alley, apartment complex manager, CNA, laser hair removal technician, snowboard instructor, and car saleswoman.

    At my audition, I bragged about being the MC in 5th grade for my elementary school’s talent show. I love entertaining, having done both stand up comedy and performed with a band playing a mean cowbell. I also currently host karaoke on the weekends.

    Besides trivia, I LOVE cheese, wine tasting, breweries, dancing, gaming, brunch, a GOOD bloody Mary, a well crafted/ironic mustache, live music, roller skating, vintage style/thrift store clothes shopping, supporting my community, and time with my family. Seeing my only son graduate from WSU in 2020 with his Bachelor’s in Social Sciences will be my proudest moment.

    It should go without saying, but I’ll say it again, GO COUGS!

    Ben Brockman
    Host, Ordained Ewok Funeral Officiant

    I am proud to be known as the first ever inductee to the “Beat the Geek Trivia Host Hall Of Fame,” an honor I bestowed upon myself without the knowledge or approval of anyone else.

    When not memorizing release dates and chart/sales performance of every popular movie and album released since the 1970’s, I can be found crashing neighborhood parties throughout the Puget Sound region, where I serenade confused attendees with “Wonderwall,” the most under-performed guy-with-a-guitar song of all time. I avoid being depressed during the wet and dreary months by cheering on our local sports teams live and in person as they inevitably fail in the biggest moments.

    I can also beat the original Super Mario Bros on NES in 8 minutes and 30 seconds; it’s not a record time or anything, but I think it’s a pretty decent effort.

    Krystie Ritchey
    Host, Bassist for Figrin Dan and the Modal Nodes

    I’m Krystie Ritchey, and I approve this message.

    I’m originally from Detroit, but grew up all over the world while my dad served in the military, and I just can’t help myself but continue moving every so often as an adult. I’ve loved performing ever since I embarrassed my parents in a cafeteria, belting out Whitney Houston’s “Greatest Love of All”, when I was 3 years old. I’ve continued being an absolute ham on stage/behind a microphone ever since, including a stint in community theater, playing bass guitar and singing in a few bands, and now hosting trivia. I was a regular Beat the Geek player–and frequent winner–until I decided to take a Ken Jennings turn and apply to host. Previously, I’ve worked in retail, mortgage sales, customer service, and teaching English as a Second Language.

    I’ve always loved music, and my superpower is being able to identify songs and artists within seconds of hearing them. I’m a language geek and I’ve got a linguistics degree to prove it; I’ve studied 6 languages (English, German, Spanish, Latin, Swedish, Icelandic) to lend me additional geek street cred. Also, I’m obsessed with Iceland, and I can tell you anything about RuPaul’s Drag Race, both the US and all international versions. My go-to drinks are vodka pineapple, amaretto sour, and non-IPA beers. Cheers!

    Dan Filowitz
    Host, Jedi Academy Day Care Center Administrator

    Residing in the suburbs of Seattle by way of Chicago and New Jersey with brief stops in Indiana, California, Toronto, and Vancouver. (Scent of a Woman Al Pacino voice) I’ve been around, you know.

    Once, when I didn’t have kids, I spent a lot of time on stage, in Chicago, writing and performing. Improv, sketch comedy, theater, that sort of thing. Then I had kids and moved and don’t do all that anymore. So, I’m very excited to be back at it again hosting Beat the Geek Trivia (nothing happened to the kids other than getting older, in case you were worried.)

    As mentioned, I have kids. Two. And pets. Four. I work in marketing strategy during the day, which is enjoyable but not particularly funny. I also spend time rooting for the New York Knicks and the New York Jets, which most of the time is neither enjoyable nor funny (to me, it does tend to make other people laugh. At me.) Hosting trivia is enjoyable and generally funny, so I’ve got that going for me now, which is nice.

    Kelsey Yost
    Host, Rancor Veterinarian

    When I started playing Beat The Geek Trivia in early 2021, I thought to myself “I could do that!”, and look at me now! While my trivia team never had much success, we always had a blast and I knew I wanted to be a part of the world of trivia hosts.

    When I’m not hosting Beat the Geek Trivia shows, I’m a school psychologist wrangling middle school students. Dealing with rowdy children and endless questions is something I’m very used to, so ask me anything! I have two dogs and a cat whom I will happily show you too many pictures of if you ask (or don’t ask, I show them to everyone).

    My nerdom knows no bounds, but I’m particularly fond of anything in book form. I’m always looking for recommendations, so let me know what you’ve recently read that I should add to my ever-growing TBR.

    Kaitlin Hughes
    Host, R2D2’s Personal DJ

    I have been playing Beat the Geek Trivia since its beginning. My friends and I started going to Beat the Geek Trivia back in 2009/2010 and we loved it!

    I have lived in the PNW for about 25 years. I grew up in California, but you couldn’t pay me to move back there (unless I could somehow live in Disneyland). My husband and I love to travel and go camping with our dog, Georgia. When I’m not travelling, I’m getting more tattoos! I’ve had all sorts of jobs in the past – spin instructor, barista, cake decorator, and I was a host at The Harry Potter Exhibition. I love working with and being around people.

    In my down time, you can find me baking, working on some sort of grandma-hobby craft project (knitting, cross stitching, crochet, etc.), or watching The Mummy starring Brendan Fraser with my dog. I also binge-watch Parks and Rec, New Girl, or MASH for the 97th time with my husband.

    Virginia Bacon
    Host, Chewbacca’s Speech Therapist

    Hey y’all!

    In 2016, I started playing Beat The Geek solo to kill some time while waiting on my daughter. Over the weeks, I invited my friends to play and built up a pretty successful team. We always had a great time! The kiddo is now in college, so now I’m ready to host some of that trivia fun with all of you.

    In the real world, I take care of buildings. It’s not as much fun as it sounds. I grew up in Issaquah and Bellevue with a recent, brief hiatus in LA. In my previous life (before daughter), I was a singer and actress, performing in local theaters since the age of 6. I have a degree in Hospitality Management, and love playing host in all aspects of life.

    I love to cook, to read, and I’m a certified word nerd. I have a dog and a cat and we all love bingeing Friends, The Office, and Parks and Recreation and anything Disney. My favorite movie is The Princess Bride. Let’s chat about it all!

    Alex Wyruchowski
    Host, Jabba’s Wardrobe Coordinator

    Playing Beat the Geek was my first experience with bar trivia and most of my earliest bar experiences. Once my home bar stopped overlapping steak night with trivia, I knew it was time to spread my wings. I have played bar trivia all over the greater Seattle area and still can’t ever come up with a good team name. After graduating from Central Washington University in 2019, I auditioned for Mark, was slated to start in March 2020, and due to unforeseen circumstances, I make my wondrous return in 2024!

    Between bars and Jeopardy!, trivia is my main inside hobby, and often will follow one of my many outside hobbies! Those include: snowshoeing, camping, trying to hike, climbing, ultimate frisbee, kayaking, bird watching, and throwing rocks at people who feed wild animals. When it comes to hosting, would I say that I will be the greatest, most engaging, most handsome host we have ever seen? No, I’m much too humble for that, but literally everyone else is saying it…

    Abby Coe
    Host, Mos Eisley Cantina’s Booking Agent and Promoter

    I was a regular Beat the Geek Trivia player when my friend mentioned that I should try my hand at hosting. I thought it might be fun. A few weeks later, here I am – a real Beat the Geek Trivia host!

    I grew up on a stage in one form or another for most of my life. I performed onstage and have worked behind the scenes in community theatres around Seattle for several years. I also worked on a cruise ship as a performer and trainer for six years.

    Other than trivia hosting, I spend my days on a computer teaching people how to use their new software.

    I love music – largely for the way it connects to our soul and our memories. It is such a vital part of our being. Music can set the tone for a great road trip and help us unwind at the end of the day. For me, songs and memories make up the soundtrack of our lives. I enjoy how so many songs instantly take me back to ‘that moment when’… That’s probably why the Music Round is my favorite trivia round! Also, I love my Seattle sports teams, a good book recommendation, a great cup of coffee, and I am sucker for all things Disney,

    Kasey Stutsman
    Host, Wamprat Wrangler

    They call me Kasey, but my real name is Belch. I live in a cave and my only friends are the slugs and worms who live in the cave with me. I collect sticks and dead leaves from the woods around my cave. Sometimes, I eat the leaves, but not the sticks – that would taste bad. I’m sorry if I smell bad.


    Beat the Geek Trivia is always looking for energetic and funny trivia hosts. If you think you sound good on a microphone, you like talking in front of a crowd, and you’re not a moron, you should audition.

    email Mark if you’re interested.